Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The National Centre for Craft & Design

Yesterday I made a visit to The National Centre for Craft & Design with Lindsey Tyson, Textile Art and Design. We are both members of Design Factory and they having an annual get together and celebrating their 10 years of achievements. As members we were also invited to brainstorm about some very exciting future projects. One of the recent projects that I found really inspiring was Sychronise ii, in which Design Factory members have collaborated to gain new skills and experiences. The work they have produced is now on show in an exciting exhibition on the top floor gallery at the NCCD.

One of my favourite collaborations was between Jane Bevan + Samantha Robinson. I absolutely love Janes work anyway and it was lovely to meet her and Samantha and talk a little bit more about how they work together.

My other favourite was Ann Povey + Caroline Matthaei, who worked together to learn new techniques they had both not  used before. It was so successful they would like to continue to collaborate. 

The other exhibition now on at The NCCD is new works by Michael Brennand - Wood especially commissioned by the centre. Really exciting motifs,with riots of colour, these textile assemblages cast beautiful shadows on the gallery walls.

For more details here is the link http://www.nationalcraftanddesign.org.uk/whatson/#michael-brennand-wood-seeds-of-memory

The Design Factory also had an awards ceremony yesterday evening, many congratulation to those that received recognition for the work they produce. One of the makers short listed was Janie Withers from Janie Withers Knitted Textiles,who's work I am a big fan of. It was so nice to meet her and have a quick chat. I have two of Janies cushions on my studio sofa which I won on on her page on face book.I also covet one of her fabulous lampshades.

It was my first visit to The National Centre for Craft and Design and it such a fantastic resource. The shop is beautifully set out with top designers and makers, with a small cafe. They list a wealth of making workshops too. If you have not thought about going to NCCD and love contemporary craft, its a 'must visit'. Big thank you to Lindsey for her her lovely company and driving us there and back !

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